Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Navigation

    • Introduction to the course, from Beverly Wainwright


  • 2


    • Handout

    • Tea Seeds

    • Planting a seed

    • Potting on

    • Cold Frame Seedlings

    • Growth stages

    • Bark Burst

    • Planting Out (1)

    • Planting Out (2)

    • Planting Out (3)

    • Planting Out (4)

    • Pruning at Planting stage

    • Watering In your Plant

  • 3


    • Irrigation

    • Irrigation (2)

    • Rain Gauge

    • Taking Care of your Tea Plants (1)

    • Taking Care of your Tea Plants (2)

    • Pruning your Tea Plants as they Grow

    • Winter protection (1)

    • Winter Protection (2)

    • Polytunnels

    • Taking Care of your Tea Plant: Case Study in the Walled Garden

    • Infilling Gaps

  • 4


    • What are Genetic Variations?

    • Plucking

    • The Flush

    • Plucking Standards

    • Handling and Transportation

  • 5

    Growing Tea: A Slide Presentation

    • Presentation: Growing from Seed

  • 6

    Tasting Introduction

    • Brewing and Tasting Six Different Teas

  • 7

    Black Tea - Part 1: Plucking and Withering

    • Handouts

    • Manufacturing Black Tea

    • The Leaf

    • Plucking Analysis

    • Withering (1)

    • Withering (2)

    • Withering (3)

    • Withering (4)

    • Withering (5)

    • Different Types of Wither

    • Temperature and Humidity

    • Aroma

    • Overnight checks

    • The morning after...

  • 8

    Black Tea - Part 2: Rolling, Oxidation and Drying

    • Hygiene standards

    • Rolling Black Tea

    • Hand Rolling

    • Machine Rolling

    • Second Roll

    • Third Roll

    • Final Roll

    • Oxidation

    • The Start of the Oxidation Process

    • Oxidation and Aroma Development

    • End of Oxidation Process

    • Drying or Fixing

    • Drying

    • Turning the Leaf

    • The Finished Leaf from the Dryer

    • Moisture Control

  • 9

    Black Tea - Part 3: Brewing

    • Tasting the Finished Tea

    • Tea Cupping

    • Introducing 5 Black Teas

    • Brewing 5 Black Teas

    • Tasting 5 Black Teas

    • Re-Brewing

  • 10

    Black Tea: A Slide Presentation

    • Presentation: Black Tea Production

  • 11

    Green Tea

    • Handouts

    • Making Artisan Green Tea

    • What is Green Tea?

    • Kill Green

    • Roast Green

    • Roasting the Leaf

    • Rolling the Leaf

    • Second Roasting

    • Drying the Leaf

    • Moisture Control

    • Steaming

    • Steaming (2)

    • Using a Chinese Bamboo Steamer

    • Using a Catering Steamer

    • First Rough Roll

    • Second Roll

    • Final Roll

    • Drying the Leaf

    • Diversity of Green Tea

    • Brewing and Tasting Our Two Teas

    • Tasting 5 Green Teas

  • 12

    Green Tea: A Slide Presentation

    • Presentation: Green Tea Production

  • 13

    Next Steps with the UK Tea Academy

    • Tea Diploma qualification