Course Introduction
A welcome from Jane Pettigrew
This 40-minute video course is ideal for anyone interested in making their own tea at home, especially in marginal conditions. Includes downloadable recipe cards, tasting and flavour guides. The course is available for 3 months from enrolment.
This Masterclass includes a wealth of video, presentation lessons and downloads. It is ideal for anyone interested in growing tea from seed and learning how to manufacture both black and green teas in marginal conditions.
This Masterclass traces the history of Afternoon Tea back to tea's arrival in Europe in the 17th Century, and helps you understand the tradition of Afternoon Tea in British social life. The course can be accessed for 120 days from enrolment.
This Masterclass is for anyone who wishes to learn about the compounds that make up tea and what effects they can have on our health. It includes an invitation to a small group 60-minute scheduled Q&A session with author Dr Tim Bond.
Dieser Kurs vermittelt den theoretischen Teil des Level 1 Tea Champion Kurses der UK Tea Academy. Geeignet für Fachleute sowie Teeliebhaber, die ein tieferes Verständnis für die Geschichte, Kultur und Herstellung von Tee wünschen.
Questo corso presenta gli stessi elementi di teoria del Tea Champion Livello 1 UK Tea Academy. E' ideale per professionisti del settore ed amanti del tè, approfondendo gli elementi di storia, cultura e lavorazione del tè, e le sue tendenze attuali.